Study Abroad with OpToStudy

Unsure what to study?

Let us help you find the right course and university for you! We will help you prepare your application and apply to our partner universities. We will follow up with the universities in order to obtain a decision on your applications in the fastest possible time.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad

If you’re looking for a way to turn the pursuit of higher education into an adventure of a lifetime, set your sight on a...



How to Apply

The application process Have a list of schools in mind? Now it’s time to start the application process. We promise it’s not as complicated as...

Searching a University Online during Coronavirus

We’re spending more time online than ever before, especially in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. We know it’s easy to be distracted or...

Study in Canada Application Timeline: for Sept. 2021 intake

Initial Steps: April 2020 to September 2020 Start early and by August, shortlist 8-12 universities that you will apply to. Visit university websites and note application requirements, deadlines etc.By...

Why Study Abroad?

We believe everyone should study abroad! There are so many reasons why studying abroad can be a life-changing experience. If you still need convincing why...

Study Abroad Student Visas

Student Visas, as the name suggests are visas issued to applicants whose primary purpose of visit to the country is the pursuit of education....

What is the cost of studying abroad?

Wondering how much money you need? We’ll help you budget it out! You’ve decided to study abroad and explore the world, that’s great! Now let’s...


Cardiff University student Kinari Adiarni from Indonesia

Cardiff Business School

ARRIVAL I was really nervous about coming to the UK. I was worried there wouldn't be international people, but actually Cardiff is really international and...



7 things successful people do

1,440 minutes—that’s the time that each of us has in a day. What we do with that time makes a significant impact on our...
Study Abroad with OpToStudy

Here for you!

No matter which level of higher education you wish to study or language course you want to enrol, we have a support team and a service to suit you.